

friday favorites - creating treasures

I love to create treasures for those I adore. I love to create something special out of raw materials - to me there is nothing more satisfying. In my mind, I feel like there is absolutely nothing I can not create, if I really put my mind to it. (This confidence does not, however, extend to baking adventures. I can make anything look pretty, but it may not taste good...)

This weekend is my darling husband's birthday. He loves to wear prettily decorated shirts, so I decided to custom make him one.

I bought a pretty, white collared shirt and a packet of iron-on transfer paper. I designed the front, back, and side graphics in a style reminiscent of his very favorite clothing brand, English Laundry.

I then used the iron on transfer paper to transfer the images to the collared shirt. Iron on transfer paper is incredibly easy to use, and really opens up a world of possibilities! (I desperately want a screen printer, Yudu, but until then, iron on transfers work wonders.)

The result? A very happy husband. :)

(shirt design on back)

(design on front and cuffs)


  1. In all humility I look pretty cool in the shirt. I adore it and I adore my wife!

  2. Possibly one of the best Becki creations yet!!!!
    Your treasures are truly cherished.
