

next week.

Timmy: I'm just feeling really frantic today.
Me: Really?
Timmy: Yes. I feel like I'm out of breath. But I haven't been running. I guess I'm just out of breath in my mind.
Me: *Laughs*

Shopping trips, working overtime, design projects, Youth Group, little sister visits, finally getting my name changed, Christmas present planning, cleaning, packing, and preparing to go to Hawaii makes for one very busy week -- and two very frazzled O'Briens. This week.

But next week we will be lying on sand scattered Hawaiian beaches. Soaking up 80 degree sunshine. Eight days in paradise. Completely relaxed and totally in love. *happy sigh*

Sidenote: I have the most darling little sister and she is coming to visit today. Her name is Rynn and she is one of my happiest thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I have been slightly frazzled! So much to do, but its so fun being swamped with duties that are preparing one to go to Hawaii!! Becki will be watching the waves crash against the beach, the birds flying over the crisp green mountains, and watching the mist from the hundred water falls come towards her! I on the other hand will be gazing at my breath taking wife and be thanking my Lord for the gift of getting to walk with her ALL of my days! She is my treasure... Praise God
