

christmas presents - timmy's dvd

For Timmy's Christmas present, I made him a DVD. A year's worth of photos, videos, and audio clips were combined into a sweet little movie, starring us. It starts with our magical proposal and ends with our return trip to Disney World, with lots of love in between. Hours of tediously editing movie clips only confirmed to me that I would never make a good movie director. But I suppose it wasn't so bad, since I got to stare at clips of my handsome husband the whole time...

My favorite part, though, was designing the DVD cover. And my favorite part about the cover is the front photo, taken by Laura Zastrow.

Isn't it the perfect photo? I just love that we are holding hands and staring off at separate horizons, looking to our futures and facing it together. Doesn't it make you wonder what we're seeing? And isn't the wall behind us such a glorious color and texture? And those shadows. Laura, you're brilliant!

I loved this project. It's just such a great way to document a year's worth of happiness and memories.

And, after much deliberation, Just Us Two got a G rating. Whew.


  1. This is my new favorite movie! I just adore watching the line up of miracles that God used to form our love story! And it continues, in fact I always feel like I am at the best part, but it just keeps getting better!! I love you babe.

  2. he is one lucky guy - what a fun, fun gift!

  3. i love it! it looks awesome! so glad it turned out so well for you! (although i'm not surprised.)

    thanks for the plug on this post and over there. -->
    much much appreciated.
