

I haven't posted anything design related lately, probably because I'm too busy designing to write a post about what I've been designing. But here are some things I have been working on lately:
Apple Nutrition is 99.99999% official. We're in the final stages of lease negotiating and in the beginning stages of store designing. Right now our nights consist of visiting boring guy stores like Menards and Home Depot, staring at laminate flooring options (I'm thinking bamboo...), browsing paint chips, and picking out trim.
I've suddenly become graphic designer, interior decorator, and marketing director all at once. 

But I know the owner,
and he's been paying me quite well with kisses and Chipotle dinners....


  1. Is it too early to ask what Apple Nutrition is going to be?

  2. no pressure or anything, but i check multiple times a day to see if/what you've posted...eek! i'm such a nerd. and i'm sooo glad to see what you've been up to!

    everything looks so great - and the parenthesis with a leaf growing out of it like an apple - genius!

  3. Tim(Becki's husband)March 31, 2010 at 12:27 PM

    Nicole and viewers...Apple Nutrition will be a Nutrition "health store" that will consist of nearly 6,ooo products. Supplements(vitamins,minerals, amino acids, proteins ect) will occupy 60% of the store. Natural foods(Whole foods, Trader Joes ect) will occupy the remaining 40%. It will be located on Hwy PD in the super center Target parking lot. Because of Becki this will be an incredible, beautiful, and enjoyable store to shop at. Also there will be a gorgeous Happily,Becki section(save on shipping and check it out!!)

  4. In regards to the post I also wanted to add a couple things to the list of all that Becki is busy with. Can I tell you how tiring it is for her to BE the most beautiful woman in the world? Also the type of endurance it takes consistently giving of herself with out EVER asking?
    I am glowing with radiant affection for you baby!!!
