

Apple Nutrition is now a brand.
And we're selling our very own line of Whey Isolate protein powder. Available in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, banana, mixed berry, and peanut butter flavors.

Check out the cool packaging. *smile*
(Try to envision it wrapped around a bottle of protein...)

front of label
back of label


  1. You never cease to amaze me. EVER!
    I love this label! You are such a blessing Becki :) You're the O'Brien's very own creative genius! xoxo Have a marvelous time in Australia my darling ones! Love, littlest sister.

    P.S. HappilyBecki's latest background is full of vibrant, fresh, fun colors! It's so happy!! I like it a lot a lot a lot!!! :)

  2. I am so proud of your design on these labels babe! I will probably sell 10 of these a day and I can promise you that I will think of my honeys delecate perfection every time!!!

    Alright I got to go and finish packing!!!!

  3. i like that apple peeking down from the corner! nice job! this packaging would totally catch my eye.
