


Today this is what my mind sounds like:

"I need to print the membership sign. And the shelf talkers. Oh, but I need to change the wording. I'm so tired. What was I supposed to change it to? Do you suppose I have enough felt at home? I forgot to eat lunch. Isn't this green tea supposed to wake me up? I hate caffeine - what have I been reduced to?! I hope we can get to bed before 2AM tonight. Oh! Call FedEx about oversize prints. Wow, I need to pick those out... Oh my goodness... Where's my list?! I can't believe we're taking three days off this weekend to celebrate our anniversary. Are we crazy? I love being married. Do we have time to finish everything? I think I'm going to bring an air mattress to the store and just start sleeping there. Oh! Send those files! I need to pack! What should I bring? What time does our plane take off tomorrow morning? I'm so excited to be a 'one year and...' married couple. I love Timmy. I desperately need food... Last year at this time I was almost married! I need to do laundry. Statue of Liberty! Mary Poppins on Broadway! Whee! Central Park!
I'm so excited to explore New York City."

The End. 
(that is what my mind sounds like)


  1. Yayyyyy! Praise God honey! I love our lives. I love doing life Gods way! I love being filled with unexpressable joy everyday. Sometimes I look at you at this for real! I look at you and think she is so beautiful or she is so cute or she is just so much fun! I love being married!!! Happy 1 year!!!

  2. Wow!!!! That is all I can say after this weekend lovie girl!! I love being with you more anything. What a great way to celebrate our 1 year babe. I am sooooooo thankful to God for giving us such wondrous adventures!!
    Your "pratically perfect in every way" (sung Marry Poppins style!)

  3. happy anniversary becki & tim! i hope you had a great time in nyc.

    your post made me smile. what a whirlwind! and how cool to have those thoughts documented.
