

our family is growing.

2010 is the year for additions to our family. I've been bubbling over with excitement for two perfectly delightful reasons! Are you ready?

Reason #1: Little sister got officially engaged to this mister! (haha, I couldn't resist the rhyme!)

They have been "unofficially" engaged for a while now, but last Tuesday Caleb popped the question and sweet little Rynn said a very enthusiastic YES INDEED! Now she has this beautiful ring on her finger and I'm having a hard time believing my baby sister is old enough to get married. The wedding is set for October 15. Whee! I'm so excited. And busy. I remember all too well how crazy wedding planning can get. And I've been working away at the invitations, which are going to be magical.

Here's a sneak peak:

Reason #2: Big sister and her husband are having a baby!

Our family is over-the-moon thrilled for the first grandchild to be born! (I'm especially excited to design birth announcements and baby shower invitations!) Liz is due in December and we find out in two weeks whether I'm going to get a niece or a nephew. I'm hoping for a niece.

Either way, Liz and Steve are going to make awesome parents.
*sigh* I have babies and romance on my mind lately,  
and that makes for happy daydreams.
What is more lovely than new babies and true love?


  1. :D :D :D :D Heehee. What a pretty ring that is....oh look! There it is again! On my finger. *giggles* Hurray. Hurray. Hurray.

    I love YOUUUUU!!!

  2. exciting! (and the invitations look like they will be gorgeous - like it's for a royal event! love the purple and the intricate borders!). i'm happy for you and your growing family. :)
