

an announcement.

 Apple Nutrition is changing its name. There. I said it.

(You should know that I am picturing you, dear reader, falling off your chair from shock right now. Maybe Timmy's drama is rubbing off on me...)

I could try to explain, but you wouldn't really be interested in the complex logistics of it all anyway. I mean, it's one of those long stories that nobody cares about except the people in them.

So our Apple Nutrition is becoming Apple Wellness.
Cute, huh?

I like it better. I love it. It's the business name I had been searching for my entire life. And I'm excited to switch out 'nutrition' for 'wellness'. We'll be keeping our cute apple logo and apple-y branding, so here's hoping it won't be too confusing for our customers.

Ok, I know it will be confusing. But nothing a quick explanation and a nice smile can't take care, right? Tim has a great smile.

I had always considered myself an expert namer. (Let's remember the genius name of Pinklepurr** for my cat.) But this entire experience has shaken my confidence in naming our future children. I don't think it would be quite as easy to change a baby name one month after it is born.

The moral of this story? Names are a big deal. Name things very carefully...

**Have I ever mentioned that the first time Timmy met my cat (before we were dating) and I told him that her name was Pinklepurr, Tim's exact words were: "Pinklepurr? If I were that cat I would KILL MYSELF!" This was after he had been chasing her around my apartment, trying to catch her in a butterfly net.

Check out our brand new Apple Welless blog! We'll be posting healthy recipes, nutritional facts, product reviews, and more! 



  1. I'll keep it short and sweet - Love It!
    (hopefully the name change doesn't cause too much rework for you two busy bees!)

  2. Yayy for Apple wellness! I love you honey thank you for all your hard work you have put into this name and the whole apple concept. Your the most amazing girl and I am so glad to share my life with you!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Apple Wellness. Much better. How could there have been another name? You are an excellent namer. (Pinklepurr has always been a fantastic name. It's literary. It's descriptive. It's from Winnie-the-Pooh.)

    Hurray for a new name! I love you!
