

 (before I started cutting)

Last night, I cut Timmy's hair. I told him to trust me, because I'm an artist. 
I told him to consider his head the canvas for my next masterpiece! 
And then… after ten minutes of cutting… 
I told him I was just going to forget about 
the tutorials I had watched that afternoon, 
and just snip away and do my best to make it look pretty…

I think that is when his smile began to waver.

Post Edit - Hair Update:
I scissored and snipped and made lots of “uh oh” noises and, 
in the end… 
Timmy visited the salon on Saturday morning. 
He told his hair dresser than a “friend” had tried to trim his hair, 
and this sweet woman graciously commented that his “friend” seemed to do an ok job BUT…
she should have done this and this and should not have done that and well, 
his “friend” probably should stick to her real job.


  1. i like that you're blogging every day. and i told ben that i was going to cut oliver's hair today. i think i may have subconsciously been thinking of your post...

  2. Your Mom used to cut my hair way back when you girls were little. It always looked pretty good if I wore a hat!I sure loved her for tryin to save money!!!! Dad

  3. Hmmph! Dad's head was a mass of ringlets. Tell me, how do you cut that? Besides, he never combed it. He would just shake his head and let the curls lie where they wanted. No one could tell that it was crooked.
