

Lessons Learned: From The Wedding

300+ yards of gauzy fabric can be had for 10 cents,
if you have thrifty parents with amazing connections.

My husband can rock a bouquet.
And looks very attractive in dress pants.

Body tape hurts. And doesn't work. 
And is nearly is impossible to put on.

Bringing trees into a sanctuary also brings in spiders.
Big spiders that crawl up the pastor's shirt as he is reading the marriage vows… 

It is nearly impossible to not laugh
when you see that big spider scurrying across the pastor's shirt. 
(But I didn't laugh.)

High heeled oxfords are not comfortable to stand in for a long ceremony.
And no matter how sneakily you try to shift your feet…
it will be caught on camera. 

Even if he doesn't understand WHY
my Dad is willing to cut down trees with a chainsaw
and spend an afternoon creating a forest in the sanctuary.

My mom and dad are pretty much the definition of good parents personified.
(When we grow up, Timmy and I want to be just like them.)

If you can't figure out how to pin a boutonniere,
and nobody else can either,
sticking it in a vest pocket works quite nicely.

If the best part of a wedding is getting married,
the second best parts are the moments leading up to it.
(Planning, Decorating, Shoe Shopping… etc.)

Big sisters are pretty darn cute,
especially when they are pregnant.

Boys like to jump. 

The only thing better than having a little sister
is having a married little sister
and a new little brother to love.


  1. You are so adorable baby! I gotta say I just love your blog. It is encouraging to me every time I read it!

    My lesson learned was that I can not go to a wedding and not cry, because I remember how sweet our wedding was. You are the most amazing of the Lords creations!!

  2. i just can't get enough of your blog lately, becki! i'm so enjoying your posts. :)

  3. I like this post. A lot.

    I love you, big sister. We do have the best family. I mean...really. Our family is amazing. And all our boys think so. Which is pretty much even MORE amazing.

    *happy sigh*

