

Apple Wellness - Officially

For the past few months we have been criss-crossing between two names,
trying to tie down all the many elusive loose ends,
in an effort to fully finalize the identity of our business.
We tried to quietly slip into the "Wellness"
and slowly pull back the "Nutrition"
attempting to render the change nearly invisible and perfectly seamless.
It was a delicate dance, moving forward with a new name,
while an old name still heralded across the surface of our storefront. 

This was the biggest obstacle,
which prevented us from embracing our new name with great enthusiasm,
and forced us to continue to overlap the two names...
coming out something like, "Apple Wellness... and Nutrition"

Well, the days of confusion are officially over,
as today "Wellness" replaced the "Nutrition" in our neon signs,
brightly proclaiming our store to be "Apple Wellness".
And so far, nobody has even noticed, which is exactly what we wanted.
Because, you see, we really were Apple Wellness all along.
It just took us a couple months to get the name right. 

Now. Any suggestions as to what we can do 
with the leftover "Nutrition" letters?


  1. Yay for Apple Wellness!! I love that we started this store together babe. I love that we are building its history together. That we can look into each others eyes and say remember when we became Apple Wellness. Your my best friend baby.

    All I can say is, WELL done WERE WISELY apple WELLNESS WIFEY!!

  2. Hurray for new signs! Apple Wellness makes me think of a big bushel of shining, fragrant, mouth water crunchy, autumn apples! I like it much more than Apple Nutrition. Such a pretty, pretty store!

    I am so excited for your new name! I love being able to say, "Yeah, my sister and brother own a nutrition should check it out. It's amazing." You make me very proud. :) :) :)

    Love, love, love,
    your favorite little sister
