

Bitty Booties

Today was a happy sort of day. Because my good friend Elizabeth came to play with me, and she brought my mom. And they were so excited to help me make some little bitty booties for my baby.

We had a blast. And for $12, I got enough materials to make at least 15 booties. I feel so thrifty! 

Two of them are made from felt, and one is made from a soft suede. They're quick and easy to make, and the embellishment possibilities are endless. I chose gender neutral colors and ribbons. (Mom and Elizabeth had to convince me that no, boys cannot wear mauve booties. Boo.)

For when she's feeling Native American.
(I AM part Cherokee, you know.)

For when she's feeling English.
(Can boys wear lace? Mine definitely will.)

For when she's feeling Japanese. 
(Rynn, who is an expert on all things Asian
says these look like they came from Japan.)

Aren't they adorable?
I can't wait to make more.
(Timmy loves them too!)


  1. YES, they are adorable! The Japanese are my fave! :)

  2. WHO's part Cherokee????

  3. These things are so cute!!!! I can not wait to see our blessed little baby in them!! I think we need to make you and me a pair to walk around the house with!!!!
