


Our baby is ten inches long this week, comparable to the size of a banana.
Twenty weeks is the halfway point.

So far I’ve gained approximately seven pounds and I technically COULD still fit into my “regular” pants and clothes, although they are much less comfortable. Sometimes I feel tiny flutters, but I still can’t say that I’ve for sure felt the baby moving – something I am looking forward to. I feel fantastic pretty consistently, and my only complaint right now is that I feel very awkward and pudgy, not quite appearing legitimately pregnant.

My food cravings have been consistent. Grapefruit juice. Blueberry pancakes. Raspberry smoothies. (It seems like I fall into the “sweet” rather than “salty” side of cravings.) I’m still not eating any refined sugar, and I am very diligent about eating plenty of nuts or beans (for protein) and fresh veggies every day. I've heard that babies develop taste buds based on what their moms eat when pregnant, and I'm going to do my best to make my baby a vegan for life! (Haha.)

I did start doing a little bit of daily exercise, and while I plan to increase it, I’m just really proud of myself for “working out” (loosely defined) five nights in a row last week.

Tim loves to talk to baby, and his whispering lips on my belly gives me giggling fits – it tickles so much!

Timmy and I have been especially loving each other lately. The other night he commented, “Sometimes I forget that you’re another person.” I knew exactly what he meant, and it's a good thing. 


  1. This is so sweet honey!! I love these weekly updates. I think we are always going to treasure the story "of when you were pregnant!" Your my favorite. Way to go for 20 weeks!!

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling so great on a consistent basis! And your healthy habits inspire me, as do your cute, cute outfits.

  3. that baby may be a vegan, but it sounds like she/he is gonna come out with a severe sweet tooth!
