

Happy Mother's Day!

My mom brings with her the softest feelings of love and comfort. She has more good in her than anyone I know, and her heart has always been my safest place to share secrets. My mom is the embodiment of what motherhood should be, and her sweet, gentle, unending devotion to her children is a testimony of her unwavering faith and allegiance to God.

Mom and I have been best friends, seemingly forever. I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t on my top five list of people I most wanted to be with. When you’re with her, there’s absolutely no reason to wish to be anywhere else. She gives unconditional support and encouragement, and I have always known that, no matter what I do, she will be there to help in any and every way she can. She is the easiest person to like and her unselfish nature wordlessly teaches us to be selfless like her. She has been my role model for as long as I can remember, and I couldn’t find a worthier woman to model my character after.    
Mom is the tear soother, fear comforter, and bad day encourager. She is the expert on all things food wise and life wise. Her opinion is valued as true wisdom. “Let’s ask Mom” is a common phrase in our household, and her overnight bag is a common sight in our spare bedroom. Timmy and I both welcome her frequent visits, cherishing days spent working together at the store and evenings spent chatting over delicious food.

Sweet, silly, laughing, beautiful, virtuous and kind - Mom is a mother in every sense of the word.
Happiest Mother’s Day weekend to our darling, dearest Mom. 
We love you! 
xxoo Becki and Timmy


  1. i can only hope my children write me a similar letter in twenty years. happy mother's day, becki's mom! (:

  2. Sweet Bea (and Timmy too), How can I ever respond appropriately to such a loving and beautiful blog. It is a lovely thing to read such a description and realize that my daughter is talking about me! I am happy that I have been those things to you. Sometimes I look back over the years and see so many times that I did the wrong thing. It's easy to get caught in those thoughts. But when they flood in, you are there to support and encourage me. Dad and I were talking today, as expensive cars and boats raced past us down the highway, that we chose the better path. Poor, but blessed. Rich in the things that count most...God and family. Thank you Bea. (Just so you know...sweet, silly, laughing, beautiful, virtuous and kind describes YOU perfectly!!) xxx

  3. Ohhh Becki, it's so wonderful that you have such a fantastic mom in your life! Your childhood sounds like it was simply magical and I know you will build the same happy, safe home for your babies. I have to say, as I was reading your description of your mom, it is everything that I see in you! :)

  4. This was sooooo sweet!!!

    Mom I want you to know that when I met you it became one of the confirmations God used to bring Becki and I together!! I saw what my Becki would become!

    Happy Mothers day!!
