

Twenty Three.

Baby Love is 11.5 inches long this week,
about the size of a spaghetti squash.

Yesterday afternoon we had a midwife appointment and we listened to Baby Love’s little heartbeat (one of my favorite sounds), which was beating strongly at 140 beats per minute. As we listened, Timmy put his face close to my tummy and said “Hey there baby!” and the heartbeat immediately sped up to 150. So cute. (My heart does the same thing when Timmy talks to me. He’s such a charmer.)

The midwife also told us it is time to sign up for childbirth classes, and we’ll be starting those at the beginning of June!
Avocados are still my favorite, although mini cucumbers have been added to my list of cravings. Mini cucumber slices taste especially delicious dipped in fresh parsley hummus. 

The baby’s movements have become more regular, and she seems to wake up right as I’m falling asleep each night. I love drifting off to dreamland while feeling her soft kicks and praying for her little life. Our constant prayer is for the Lord to bless her with the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control) and to fill her little heart with love for Him.


  1. I can't tell yo how much I enjoy your posts, Bea!!

  2. Well, look at you! You're totally pregnant and totally cute. :)

  3. Yayyy for Becki and me!!!! I am just giddy with excitement. I think you just keep looking more and more attractive sweetheart!!!
