

Happy Father's Day!

 Dad with his girlies, 1990

My Dad carries with him feelings of love and protection. He is stronger, sillier, and smarter than anyone I know, and his arms have always been my coziest place of safety. My Dad is "Father" personified, and his strong example as a father, husband, and leader is an illustration of His faith in our Heavenly Father.

Dad, Liz, & Bea, 1989

When I was a little girl, my Dad would wake me up early - before my mom and sisters - and the two of us would snuggle in his green armchair, reading books and watching the news. It was our special time of just-us-two moments, and cozy memories of those long-ago snuggle fests still cling to my heart in sweet remembrance.

 Father's Day, 1991

Dad has a special way of making others feel especially special. I've always known I was loved, and my earliest memories consist of strong arms holding me close, a deep voice singing silly songs in my ears, and a complete sense of belonging. His love for me is unconditional and whole, without a tinge of expectation.

My Dad is someone you can trust. He is honest and brave and responsible. He takes such good care of his family.

Dad and his girlies, 1997

Dad can fix anything and make anything. He is clever and smart, and he knows almost everything. If he doesn't know something, he learns it. He has taught us to be motivated and eager to try new things. He has given us the gift of knowing that anything is possible and nothing is too hard to figure out ourselves. He is the most motivated person I know, with a drive to make the most of every moment.

It is probably not possible to be with Dad for more than ten minutes without smiling. He entertains us endlessly with silly songs, funny voices, and ridiculous jokes. Many family dinners have consisted of non-stop giggles as my sisters and I, convinced he's the funniest person alive, laugh and laugh. Just because he's our favorite and all of us girlies adore him completely.

Dad & Bea, 2009

My Dad is unlike anyone else in the world 
and more worthy than anyone to be called my hero. 

Happy Father's Day, Daddy! 
We love you!


  1. I say AMEN to that! And thank you dad for raising Becki with that kind of love, because it blesses me everyday through her!!

    Love ya and happy Fathers day.

  2. Thanks Bea....I love you!! WOW
