

Some Baby Name Hints...

Baby Boy First Name Hints:

Ends in a consonant.
Has many extra special reasons behind why we chose it.
Has more than one syllable.

Baby Boy Middle Name Hints

Isn’t any of Tim’s names (Timothy Bray).
Belongs to one of our favorite people.

Baby Girl First Name Hints:

Ends in a vowel.
Passes the “must look pretty” written test.
Isn't a Bible name, but has a beautiful, godly meaning.

Baby Girl Middle Name Hints:

Isn’t any of Becki’s names (Rebecca Beatrice).
Belongs to one of our favorite people.

Can you tell that I don’t want you to guess the first names, but I’m willing to let you figure out the middle names?

I honestly flip flop back and forth between wanting a BOY (gasp! It’s true!) so that I can name him our beautiful boy name, and wanting a GIRL so that we can name her our darling girl name. I love them both and have written them out a million zillion times, over and over... everywhere.

So, if you want to figure out what I’m naming my baby, just dig around in my notebooks, planner, or garbage can.
You’d definitely find the answer there…

1 comment:

  1. It has been a delightful process picking out names with you honey. I have really enjoyed it! I think its pretty cute how you write the names out all the time!!
