

A New Home for Pinklepurr

A good home for one fuzzy orange kitty named Pinklepurr.

Pinklepurr is five years old and likes to be called Pink. She is a very snuggly cat who loves to chase catnip mice, sleep in sunbeams, and purr on your lap. She is pretty and petite and very well mannered. Pink is clean and fastidious about using her litter box, and she never ever sneaks up on tables to eat “people food”. Her favorite thing is to be held close and to have her ears rubbed.

Pinklepurr is both declawed and spayed.

Any happy individuals interested in adding this pretty kitty to their family should contact me at 


It hurts my heart to announce that my parents have developed allergies to my sweet kitty, Pinklepurr.

Pink and I have been buddies from the moment we met, just hours after she was born. I used to carry her around the house in my sweater pockets, her little orange body nestled cozily inside with just her little face peeking out. When I left for college, she came with me and kept me company during my late night studying. She always slept curled up near my head, purring me to sleep. After college, the two of us moved to Madison together and she was my little companion, keeping loneliness away with her ever-loving snuggles and purrs. When I met and married Tim, I couldn’t take her with me into our new house because Tim is allergic to kitties. My parents graciously volunteered to adopt my orange baby, and she has lived with them for two years now. Unfortunately, it’s become obvious that they are both allergic to her fur, and it’s quite necessary to find a new family to adopt her. If you know of any loving people who would be interested in a beautiful, sweet kitty, pretty please let me know!

 Watching me get ready in the morning.

 Cuddling with her buddy, Buzz.

 Celebrating her birthday.

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could take her sweetheart! Its really hard to see Pink go. She has been a part of our lives since we met!! I remember when she was jealous of me, because you were starting to spend more time with me than her! What a great cat!!

    I am praying that we find a good home for her!!
