


Baby Love is still 15 inches long this week
 and weighs about 4 pounds,
which can be compared to four navel oranges. 

32 weeks pregnant in July is a pretty place to be. As the amount of clothes that fit me becomes less and less (due to both my expanding belly and increasingly swollen feet), I’m relying more and more on simple sundresses, comfy capris, flip flops, and sandals. This is made possible by warm air and bright summer-blue skies. Fresh summery organic fruits and veggies – bought from Amish stands and farmer’s markets - have been filling my plate with color and nutrients - sun ripened tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, zuchinni, and boiled baby red potatoes. Cherry tomato plants are thriving on our porch, thanks to Farmer Tim, and we peek out nightly to check on their progress. My anticipation of sweet corn leaves me breathless. Long walks at twilight, accompanied by twinkling fireflies and my favorite boy, are delicious summertime pregnancy treasures. Windows left open to sweet breezes, cool sheets to slide into, and the music of fans blowing create a summery symphony to fall asleep to, all the while rubbing my tummy and whispering the joys of the world to Baby Love. I am thankful for balmy thunderstorms, tank tops, and the carefree feeling that comes with the month of July. 

With less than eight weeks to go, I’m treasuring each wiggle and kick and trying to ignore my sore back, swollen fingers, and the return of an all-day-every-day lingering queasy stomach. I’ve been reading some good books, “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth” and “On Becoming Baby Wise”, and learning and planning and preparing for the ever-approaching arrival of our little love.  

Before the hot days are cast aside for crisp temperatures, before the leaves fall
Baby Love will be here soon.
We can’t wait.


  1. Could you be any cuter or any better of a writer?! Seriously. Love getting these glimpses into your days carrying your Baby Love. :)

  2. I love you so much darling!! You have been the most pleasant pregnant wife in these months. You have consistently had the best attitude about all the different woes that come along with pregnancy. I am really proud of you!! The amount of fun were having daily is incredible!!!!
