

Daddy's Girl.

"Rosemary, Rosemary
You're my girl.
Rosemary, Rosemary,
Darling of the world."
  – Timmy's Song for Rosemary

Whenever Timmy walks into the room, Rosemary turns her head around in search of his face. She'll happily gaze into his eyes for long moments and whenever she's in his arms, she grabs hold of his shirt with her sweet little fingers. As soon as he gets home at night she stops fussing or playing or whatever she's up to and gives him huge full-body smiles.

Mom made an observation this weekend.
"Rosemary is going to be a Daddy's girl."

She already is.


  1. Its true! I adore my baby girl. In fact I adoringly adore her!! We just have so much fun together!

    However YOU are my #1 girl!!!!!!

  2. I like daddy's girls!!!

  3. It is amazing how she searches for him when she hears his voice. I have noticed that she especially loves his laugh. It is a happy thing to see how excited he is to see her and how loving and snuggly he is with her. What an amazing Daddy!
