

BEST OF 2012

 ONE. Rosemary
This little flower had just turned four months old at the beginning of 2012, and by the end of it she was nearly sixteen months - with a lot of growing done in between. She got her first tooth in April, she started crawling on Mother's Day, she took her first steps just a couple weeks later, and she's been running ever since. Her first word was "mama" but her favorite word is "daDA". She is adorable, hilarious, and contagiously happy. When she smiles she crinkles her nose. She is perfectly ours and the very best of the best. 

 TWO. Hawaii
 In March we took a family trip to Hawaii with Mom and Dad. In case you were wondering if my complete obsession with this island paradise has dimmed in the past year - rest assured that I love it more than ever. Hawaii has my perfect combination of sunlight, beauty, and an overwhelming aura of relaxation. Bliss. We had a blast, and we're planning a second trip for this coming March…

THREE. Painting
This summer I painted the oak cabinets in my kitchen white. And then I started painting ALL the trim in my house white. And all the doors. If I had realized what a big project this would turn out to be, I may not have started it. And once you start this sort of thing, you simply can not stop. But it's amazing how much lighter and brighter our home feels with all the white white white, so continue on I shall. 

 FOUR. California
In November the three of us took a little vacation to sunny Newport Beach, California. We visited several dear friends and spent a lot of time chasing seagulls, which was Rosemary's favorite part. 

FIVE. Rosemary's First Birthday
 She turned one year old in September. Time flies when you're having fun, and we were having a lot of fun. So her birthday just kind of whizzed up on us, arrived with a burst of PINK, and disappeared into a beautiful and mysterious realm called "toddlerhood". We did manage to have a really great celebration in honor of our quickly blossoming Rose, and it was a very festive occasion. 

SIX. Marriage Conference
 Timmy and I attended a marriage conference in Indianapolis with our favorite little Rynn and Caleb. It was part of the Real Marriage tour done by Mark Driscoll, and it was amazing. Mark Driscoll is even cooler in person, and it was an all-around happy happening.

 SEVEN. Family Time
When I asked Timmy what his favorite part of 2012 was, "family time" was his answer. We really learned how to be a family this last year, and our life is so much sweeter as three.

  EIGHT. My Birthday Celebration
I turned 26 on the 26th of November and Timmy took me to Chicago to celebrate my long-awaited Golden Birthday. (My parents watched Rosemary and she had a great time with them!) We went to IKEA, ate yummy food, and stayed in a luxurious hotel. 

  NINE. New Camera
Timmy bought me a new camera for Rosemary's birthday. I can't quite explain how that makes sense, so I'll quote him saying it was "for keeping Rose alive for a whole year!" I'd say, when you look at it that way, my new camera was well-deserved. I love it.

(photo credit: Laura Zastrow Photography,
TEN. God
The best part of anything is always God, and this past year He has really shown himself to be faithful, loving, and very patient.

1 comment:

  1. Well said my sweetest sweety!! When you put that all together it makes me both super thankful for a great year and also a little tired!!
    I am excited to get back to my "checking Becki's blog schedule" as it is the first thing I do when I get to work each morning.

    I love you babe!!
