

Engagement Photos - Hattie & Matt

A couple weekends ago I had the happy opportunity to photograph two engaged cuties. Hattie and Matt are getting married in October and they make an absolutely adorable couple.

The day of the shoot was supposed to be rainy, but we were blessed with blue skies and sunshine. An old Catholic monastery provided plenty of brick buildings, beautiful doorways, and ivy covered walls.

Hattie is best friends with my Rynn. Hattie, Matt, and Rynn were all in a Discipleship Training School together at Youth With a Mission (YWAM). That is actually how Hattie and Matt met each other, and their love story is a sweet one. They spent the beginning of their relationship together in India, serving at orphanages and ministering to the street children there.

These two make me excited about love and marriage
and I finished up the shoot with a renewed giddiness in my heart for my own true love.

Hooray for godly, head-over-heels in love fiances!


  1. Gasp! That last shot made my heart skip a beat! ALL of these are wonderful, Becki - they must be over-the-moon excited.

  2. we certainly are excited! I love them so very much Becki. Now I have the hard job of deciding which ones to print first!

  3. I think that you are some sort of picture taking genius!! Your just the most brilliant girl ever! Your ideas are pretty incredible!!
