

Twenty Four.

Baby Love is 12 inches long this week,
the size of a celery stalk.

Our knowledge of Baby Love began in January. Outside, snowflakes were falling and inside, a pregnancy test confirmed what Timmy already felt sure of. My surprise was surrounded by hushed snow banks, cold stars, and frozen, crystal winds. Our baby was the size of a lentil and no evidence of her existence was showing, except those two beautiful blue lines. September felt so far away.

Now the days are getting warmer and summer is slowly tiptoeing in. Soft, warm breezes are fluttering newly opened flower petals and bright green leaves. I can feel the sunlight getting hotter and I am happily anticipating the hot, humid days of June and July. My stomach is growing round and our baby’s kicks and wiggles are becoming more pronounced and forceful. She is a foot long and she has been growing in my belly for six months. The evidence of her little life is tangible and real. September feels so very near. 

The weeks are flashing by so quickly.

Right now Baby Love and I are existing together in a state of bliss. She moves and I smile. I rub my belly as she sleeps. When the numbers on my scale are climbing daily and the numbers on my calendar are quickly falling away… there is nothing left to do but bask in the happiness that is found at six months pregnant. 

And my joy is furthered by the fact that this baby’s father
is also my best friend and favorite person.

1 comment:

  1. Your my amazing princess sweetheart!! There is NO ONE that will make a more amazing mommy than you!!! I am convinced that the Lord has blessed you with a level of tenderness, love, and devotion that is only found in heavenly places!!!!

    Happy six months pregnant and happy 23months(tomorrow) married!!!
