

Circus World Museum.

Tim & Becki, Circus World, 2011

 Liz & Becki, Circus World, 1994

My parents joined Timmy and I on a trip to the Circus World Museum in Baraboo, helping us cross another item off our "Summer Fun List". I had fond memories of visiting with my family as a little girl and being completely amazed by the acrobats, tight rope walkers, and jugglers. I fell in love with the sparkling outfits, beautiful carousal, gorgeous circus wagons, and adorable trick ponies. I had never been to a circus before, and the excitement of that day has carried through to adulthood, making a lasting memory in my mind of the day our family visited Circus World Museum. 

Circus World Museum wasn't quite how I remembered it. Partly because I’m grown up and partly because Circus World Museum fell on some hard times. It’s not quite as grand - no Big Tent and no lion tamers – and the grounds aren’t quite as bustling as when I saw them last. But it’s hard to not have fun when I’m with my three favorite people and our day included a delicious picnic lunch, wandering around the museum exhibits, watching a magic act that truly left my mind reeling (how DO they cut people in half?!), laughing at the cheesiness of “Little Star” the trick pony, enjoying a smaller version of a “Big Top” performance, and unanimously agreeing that clowns are indeed incredibly creepy.

Reliving old memories and making brand new ones.

My family is big on memories,
and I think that is because we have so much happiness to remember.


  1. I had a lot of fun that day!!!!!

  2. That was one of the most fun days of my life!!! I was so proud to walk around there with my gorgeous pregnant wife! And Dad and Mom are a blast to go anywhere with!!
