

Timmy recently bought me a rotary cutter and cutting mat (essential tools for any seamstress) and since then I have been on a sewing kick. Burp cloths were my first project… and I made over 20 of them. Yes, I am a little over-prepared in the burp cloth department. But once I got started, I just couldn’t stop! 

Baby burp cloths couldn’t be easier to make. Just cut two rectangles of fabric 18x8 inches and sew them, right sides together, leaving a little opening to turn it right side out. Clip the corners, turn it, iron it smooth, sew the opening closed, and sew around the edge to keep it all in place. Easy as can be and cute cute cute! 

I used a variety of fabrics for these burp cloths. My first batch is entirely girly. (Isn’t that rose patterned flannel beautiful?) BUT, Timmy gave my girly fabrics the a-ok after I explained that burp cloths are just as much for the MOM as the baby, and since I’m the one who will be wearing it over my shoulder… these pink ones will match my outfits perfectly. (Besides, this baby just MIGHT be a girl, although I’ve pretty much convinced myself by now that it’s a boy.)

My next batch of burp cloths included more gender neutral patterns. You can’t go wrong with fruit, right? And at first glance the ones below MIGHT look a little girly, but there are babies dressed in blue in that pattern – I checked. Blue babies in yellow strollers = boy. To be fair (once again, just in case Baby Love IS a girl) there are babies dressed in pink, too. 

Some of the burp cloths have flannel on both sides, and some have flannel on one side and cotton on the other. They are all super soft and I love the way they fill my specially designated burp cloth dresser drawer. Hooray for beautiful baby burp cloths!  


  1. You are awesome. I can't wait until I make up with my sewing machine!

  2. Once again sweety hearty your amazing!!! Our baby is going to burp up just to see ALL the different patterns!!!

  3. you're so kills me! haha. so excited to see the baby soon. baby love IS coming :).
