
My Rynn is going to Japan (again) this August.
She is on staff with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), helping to lead a Bible School of the Nations (BSN) class. The team is holding a free car wash on July 3, to raise funds for their trip.

I helped to design this flyer. Take a read, it's really inspiring.
I'm really proud of this little sister of mine.
P.S. You can read her blog here.


  1. We should totally get our car washed sweety! Maybe both cars!! Super cool flyer to love dove. You shine more beautiful than the brightest star!!!

  2. what a cool fundraiser and flyer! i like the map on the borders and in the heart and the color combos. : )

  3. Becki Bea! What an amazing sister I have! I am so thoroughly delighted with my flyer...you are lovely. Thank you awfully much!
    I will bring you back an extra present from Japan! *wink*
    Love and love!
