

Twenty Five.

Baby Love was 13.5 inches long last week,
about the size of a Greek cucumber.  

My 25th week of pregnancy was spent walking up hundreds of Greek stairs, exploring the ancient ruins, and sightseeing in Athens. We happened to find this incredibly long cucumber at one of the many fruit and veggie stands in the Grecian seaside village we spent several days at and decided it was the perfect length to use for a 25 week belly shot. Let me just say that, looking at these pictures, I have a hard time believing that 13.5 inches of anything could fit inside my belly.
But, I must look legitimately pregnant now because nearly everyone commented on my belly and asked me "how many months" I was. I would hold up six fingers to show six months and receive loud exclamations of "I hope he comes out strong!" and "Oompa!". One of our waiters told me that "Children are like angels from heaven" and showed us many pictures of his son that he had stored on his phone. Greeks love children and I was told repeatedly that “Children are life! They are everything and bring the whole family joy.”

Baby Love was especially wiggly last week, especially on the plane rides. Every time the plane hit any turbulence I could feel her kicking crazily near my ribs. Several times I could feel a tiny arm or leg push out and I could actually feel the hardness of a small hand or foot. Her usual schedule of sleeping during the day and becoming active at night was totally flip flopped due to the time change, and I enjoyed being awake for all her little flutterings. 


Home, home, home.

Last night, after 10 days of travels, our plane landed at the Madison airport. It was 8:00 PM here but our bodies, used to a totally different time zone, thought it was 6:00 AM. We hadn't slept a wink since we left Stockholm 21 hours earlier, and after making a quick stop at Chipotle to get dinner (or breakfast, depending on how you look at it), we went home, showered, and collapsed into bed.

I honestly think that one of the best parts about vacations is the coming home part. All of the little lovely things I normally forget to appreciate suddenly become a source of complete happiness. 

Here are a few:

warm showers
soft towels
cold glasses of filtered water
my own bed and pillow
a quiet house
a kitchen full of food
my slippers
clean pajamas

I think I have said, "It's good to be home. Isn't it good to be home sweetie?" a hundred times since we arrived back at our house.

Babymoon 2011 was the best vacation of our lives, for real. But truly
it's good to be home.


Summer Fun.

A couple weeks ago Timmy and I began to compile a list of summer fun activities we wanted to make a point to enjoy this summer. Here are some of the things we’re making a point to schedule into our dwindling weeks before the baby comes.

Visit Devil's Lake.
Have a peanut butter sandwich picnic.
Fly a kite.
Spend an afternoon exploring the Madison Zoo.
Go for a long walk in the rain.
Spend a night in a hotel.
Get dessert at Cafe Manna.
Wander around the Arboretum.
Go strawberry picking.
Visit a pet store to see the baby kittens.
Buy fruits and veggies at the Farmer's Market downtown.
Try the hummus at Bunky's Cafe.
Plant tomato and basil plants on our deck.

It's exciting to be counting
down to something so sweet...


Traveling While Pregnant.

Problem #1: My super cute one piece swimsuit no longer fits my expanding stomach.
Solution: My slightly scandalous tankini I bought while still in high school DOES fit me, in the loosest (tightest) sense of the word. I feel a little bare. (But since we’ll be traveling to a country where topless swimming is considered acceptable… my uncovered back and exposed belly probably won’t even get a second glance.) If I thought I would actually have more reasons to wear a suit this summer (aside from our trip, it’s doubtful), I would invest in one of these super cute maternity suits:

Problem #2: Greek water is sketchy.
Solution: I’m worried about buying water bottles with the labels written entirely in another language. Some bottled water isn’t even actually filtered, and I’ll have no way of knowing which is which. I don’t want to take a chance on getting sick from something nasty - especially, especially while pregnant. And so, meet the Bobble. This water bottle actually has a built in carbon filter and filters the water as you drink it. Genius!

(I tried to come up with more problems, but really, these are the only two major ones I’ve faced when planning for traveling pregnant. Everything else feels the same!)


Baby Quilt.

My idea for the baby’s quilt was to combine an eclectic blend of fabrics, patterns, and colors. It would be a little girly in places, and a little boyish in others, with lots of neutral patterns in between. Colors like orange and pink bordering each other in a combination that only JUST works.

Mom and I spent hours debating different fabric choices and in what order they should be placed. In the end, we chose 17 different fabrics and got 1/8 of a yard of each of them. We took them home, cut them into 3 inch strips, and sewed them together. A "strip quilt" - named this because it is composed of many strips of fabric. This is the easiest quilt I have ever made, taking approximately three hours of my Easter Sunday afternoon, from start to finish. The end dimensions will be 40x46, and the only thing left to do is cut some backing, batting, and binding and then quilt the layers together.


A Conversation: About Birds

Timmy: Birds are devilish little creatures.


My (Pregnant) Plate: Dessert

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve given up refined sugar. I do eat natural sugar from sources like honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar. (I definitely do not eat artificial sweeteners. Things like Splenda, Equal, and Sweet n’ Low are really just poison in disguise.) It is actually quite easy to make yummy sugar free treats since with most recipes you can substitute sugar for either honey or maple syrup. It is MUCH harder to find pre-made treats without any sugar. That is why I literally bounced for joy when I saw this:

Coconut milk ice cream! Not only is it diary free and soy free, but it is sweetened with agave nectar. No sugar! This is so rare and almost impossible to find. And the best part is that it tastes amazing - ask Timmy. He tried a spoonful at our parents' house and then immediately went out and bought four quarts of it. It comes in three flavors - vanilla bean, chocolate, and mint. My favorite is the vanilla. 
I have also found chocolate chips that are made with rice milk and sweetened with evaporated cane juice. Yummy. Our dessert of choice these days: Strawberry Chocolate Sundaes. (Even if you're not vegan, things like coconut ice cream are a healthier alternative to regular ice cream that is high in fat and sugar.

Vegan Strawberry Chocolate Sundae
3 scoops So Sweet vanilla ice cream
lots of fresh, organic strawberries
melted chocolate *name* chips

Combine ingredients in a pretty bowl. Enjoy!


Engagement Photos - Hattie & Matt

A couple weekends ago I had the happy opportunity to photograph two engaged cuties. Hattie and Matt are getting married in October and they make an absolutely adorable couple.

The day of the shoot was supposed to be rainy, but we were blessed with blue skies and sunshine. An old Catholic monastery provided plenty of brick buildings, beautiful doorways, and ivy covered walls.

Hattie is best friends with my Rynn. Hattie, Matt, and Rynn were all in a Discipleship Training School together at Youth With a Mission (YWAM). That is actually how Hattie and Matt met each other, and their love story is a sweet one. They spent the beginning of their relationship together in India, serving at orphanages and ministering to the street children there.

These two make me excited about love and marriage
and I finished up the shoot with a renewed giddiness in my heart for my own true love.

Hooray for godly, head-over-heels in love fiances!


Twenty Four.

Baby Love is 12 inches long this week,
the size of a celery stalk.

Our knowledge of Baby Love began in January. Outside, snowflakes were falling and inside, a pregnancy test confirmed what Timmy already felt sure of. My surprise was surrounded by hushed snow banks, cold stars, and frozen, crystal winds. Our baby was the size of a lentil and no evidence of her existence was showing, except those two beautiful blue lines. September felt so far away.

Now the days are getting warmer and summer is slowly tiptoeing in. Soft, warm breezes are fluttering newly opened flower petals and bright green leaves. I can feel the sunlight getting hotter and I am happily anticipating the hot, humid days of June and July. My stomach is growing round and our baby’s kicks and wiggles are becoming more pronounced and forceful. She is a foot long and she has been growing in my belly for six months. The evidence of her little life is tangible and real. September feels so very near. 

The weeks are flashing by so quickly.

Right now Baby Love and I are existing together in a state of bliss. She moves and I smile. I rub my belly as she sleeps. When the numbers on my scale are climbing daily and the numbers on my calendar are quickly falling away… there is nothing left to do but bask in the happiness that is found at six months pregnant. 

And my joy is furthered by the fact that this baby’s father
is also my best friend and favorite person.


Boys in Pink Car Seats.

After much consideration, we have registered for a pink car seat. It’s the brand we want (Britax) with the features we like,
but it’s only available in one color.
I won’t get started on how I feel about EVERYTHING being so gender specific these days. There’s a gender neutral gray model available in the same brand, and it's similar, but it is also $40 more. For heaven's sake.

And so, pink it is. I feel a little sheepish, as I’m sure most people will assume that I secretly know the gender (I don’t) or, pink lover that I am, that I would heartlessly place a boy child in a pink flowered car seat (I wouldn’t).

Dear Baby Love,
If you are a boy, I’m sorry.
I promise to make you a blue car seat cover.
love, Mom


My Pregnant Plate – Dinner

There is a little darling who, essentially, eats everything I eat, and her tiny taste buds are being formed based on my meal choices. I figure that it will never be easier to make sure Baby Love eats her fruits and veggies, so I’m taking advantage of my current complete control. I may be becoming a little fanatical, but everything I eat now first has to pass the “would I want my kiddo to eat this someday?” test. If not, I don’t. 

This is one of my favorite, favorite dinners. It's so easy and so yummy!
Veggie Sandwich (makes 2)
I like to eat my veggie sandwiches open faced, Tim likes to eat his close faced, slathered with butter, and with no black olives. I like to use grape tomatoes, he likes to use big slices of large tomatoes. The greatest part about this meal is it is so adaptable to the person’s tastes. The avocado is the best part, but if you don’t have avocado you can use hummus instead. Yum!

4 pieces multi-grain sunflower seed sourdough bread
(or another yummy bread of your choice)

2 avocados, mashed
organic tomatoes, sliced
mini cucumbers, sliced
red onion, sliced
black olives, sliced
red peppers, sliced

Mash the avocado and add the juice of one lime and salt to taste. Lightly toast the sourdough bread and spread on the mashed avocado. Top with your choice of veggies. (My favorites are the ones listed above.) Enjoy!


Twenty Three.

Baby Love is 11.5 inches long this week,
about the size of a spaghetti squash.

Yesterday afternoon we had a midwife appointment and we listened to Baby Love’s little heartbeat (one of my favorite sounds), which was beating strongly at 140 beats per minute. As we listened, Timmy put his face close to my tummy and said “Hey there baby!” and the heartbeat immediately sped up to 150. So cute. (My heart does the same thing when Timmy talks to me. He’s such a charmer.)

The midwife also told us it is time to sign up for childbirth classes, and we’ll be starting those at the beginning of June!
Avocados are still my favorite, although mini cucumbers have been added to my list of cravings. Mini cucumber slices taste especially delicious dipped in fresh parsley hummus. 

The baby’s movements have become more regular, and she seems to wake up right as I’m falling asleep each night. I love drifting off to dreamland while feeling her soft kicks and praying for her little life. Our constant prayer is for the Lord to bless her with the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control) and to fill her little heart with love for Him.


Mother's Day Celebration.

Mother’s Day was celebrated in a sweet, simple way. A trip to Milwaukee. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich picnic by Lake Michigan. Juice boxes. Kite watching. Snuggling in the sunshine. A visit to see my favorite Gramma. A nap. A movie in bed. Pretty new earrings and a ring that Timmy picked out himself. A sweet card. Cuddling close and feeling our baby move inside my tummy.

Timmy always knows exactly what I want most. A soft, quiet Mother’s Day, with lots of sunlight and quality time together, was exactly what I wished for. My first Mother’s Day was a lovely beginning to a lifetime of Mother’s Day celebrations to come.

At the end of the day, Timmy summed it up best.
“I’m glad you’re the mother of my child.”
Me too!



Hattie Loves Matt.

Today I got to do an engagement shoot for two adorable fiances.
More Hattie and Matt cuteness to come...


Happy Mother's Day!

My mom brings with her the softest feelings of love and comfort. She has more good in her than anyone I know, and her heart has always been my safest place to share secrets. My mom is the embodiment of what motherhood should be, and her sweet, gentle, unending devotion to her children is a testimony of her unwavering faith and allegiance to God.

Mom and I have been best friends, seemingly forever. I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t on my top five list of people I most wanted to be with. When you’re with her, there’s absolutely no reason to wish to be anywhere else. She gives unconditional support and encouragement, and I have always known that, no matter what I do, she will be there to help in any and every way she can. She is the easiest person to like and her unselfish nature wordlessly teaches us to be selfless like her. She has been my role model for as long as I can remember, and I couldn’t find a worthier woman to model my character after.    
Mom is the tear soother, fear comforter, and bad day encourager. She is the expert on all things food wise and life wise. Her opinion is valued as true wisdom. “Let’s ask Mom” is a common phrase in our household, and her overnight bag is a common sight in our spare bedroom. Timmy and I both welcome her frequent visits, cherishing days spent working together at the store and evenings spent chatting over delicious food.

Sweet, silly, laughing, beautiful, virtuous and kind - Mom is a mother in every sense of the word.
Happiest Mother’s Day weekend to our darling, dearest Mom. 
We love you! 
xxoo Becki and Timmy