
flowery tacks.

Flower thumb tacks. So easy, so magcial.
Materials Needed: Silk flowers, thumb tacks, hot glue gun
Directions: Glue silk flowers to thumb tacks.
Who needs picture frames?


  1. Materials needed for the most perfect joyous life: One(and only) Jesus Christ, one perfect Becki bea, one thankful heart. Directions: Give your heart and life to Jesus by repenting of your sin and allowing His perfect sacrifice to atone for your sins, wait for God to give you His choice of the perfect spouse, and than GIVE ALL that you have to Jesus and your spouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You are the image of radiance! I like your pretty tacks

  2. i felt as crafty as you today. maybe my inspiration is coming back...? that would be lovey, especially since it's partly due to you. (:

  3. cute idea! if only my hot glue gun would be my friend again.

    although, i wouldn't blame him if he didn't forgive me.

    i did stick a pencil in it one time when i ran out of glue sticks and needed to use every last bit of the single glue stick i had left (it had shortened, you know, and i needed something to apply pressure against it to squeeze it out!)

    the pencil broke in the gun. and i think it melted in there.

    why don't they advise you not to do that in the directions? sheesh.

  4. Laura, I'm excited to see the outcome of your crafty inspiration! :)

    Jamie, too funny! Perhaps it's time to replace him. :)
