
When I say to Timmy, "jump for the picture!" 
... this is what I get:
When Timmy says to me, "do a jump for the picture, babe!"
 ... this is what he gets:
He is a better jumper. I am a better picture taker.
Conclusion: We make a great team.


  1. this is too cute! :) i like your jumping pictures.

  2. I love this babe!! It was so much fun jumping with you!! And I could not stop laughing with how hard you were trying to jump extra high to compensate for my poor picture taking ability! hahaha!!! Your the cutest jumper I ever saw.

  3. I love Becki so much!! I love all hat she IS!!!!!!

  4. I know exactly how you feel Becki. I cannot take jumping pictures to save my life (please see exhibit A: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2803067&op=8&o=global&view=global&subj=759773131&m=1&id=759773131)
    I think both of your jumping pictures are adorable because they are both unique. :) And I agree that you two make a great team!!!
