
may i have this dance?

When you're married to the most darling boy... all your dreams come true.

Because he delights in your silly fancies and dedicates his time to granting you your every whim. He considers your wishes to be precious, and he loves to buy you your favorite things. (Like fresh raspberries and big sparkly rings.) He always, always remembers to get gas for you, and never ever lets you open your own car door. He introduces you as his "beautiful wife" and loves to tell the world how much he loves being married to you. If he hears you don't especially like to do the dishes, he never lets you touch a dirty dish again. He leaves lovely comments under every single post on your blog, just because he knows how much it means to you. He is enthralled by all that you are, and speaks those mushy gushy words that he would not normally speak, but he knows how happy it makes your heart. He takes to you plays and operas and the ballet, now that he knows how you truly adore it. And he listens, really listens, when you tell him that one of your lifelong dreams is to learn how to ballroom dance.

So for your seven month anniversary, he surprises you with private ballroom dancing lessons. He spins you in circles as you giggle with glee. He kisses your face and calls you his dancing princess and says, "Sweetest, may I have this dance?".

When you're married to the most darling boy, he is your dream come true.


  1. Baby you enthrall all of my heart to give you the worlds and the heavens! If our Lord would give them to me for even a moment they would be yours. I adore all that you are and are becoming. The most amazing beauty that has been seen! I am blessed times 10,000 that you would accept this dance!

  2. Lets take the spot light off of me and put it where it deserves! Baby you take care of me in every way possible! You make me happy in every sense of the word! You make me dinners, lunches, and cookies. Encouragment, love, and honor are always on your lips! You have such devotion and committment in your every breath for me! You truly are the Proverbs 31 wife...you excel them all!!

  3. i have tears in my eyes. :) this is super-duper sweet!!!

  4. I almost cried :)
    I love you both so much and you are such a brilliant shining example! I miss you now even more :(
    How about when i'm home, you show me your ballroom moves and I will show you some classical Indian dance moves! :D
    What an excellent way to celebrate 7 MAGICAL months!!!!
    <3 Love you!

  5. You are the most romantic beautiful couple of all the world. And I get to be your little sister. The little sister of Tim and Becki O'Brien, living examples of a fairy tale.
    When was the last time I told you that I utterly adore the both of you?
    I UTTERLY and COMPLETELY ADORE my big brother and sister.
    *kiss* I can't wait to live with you. :D
